1987 Danny patiently awaits lady love

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    Danny patiently awaits lady love

    PEOPLE say he is arrogant; he says he is “blunt but honest”. People also say he is unco-operative; he says: “I hate interviews m a ‘speech idiot Among Hong Kong’s top singers, Danny Chan has acquired a “notorious” reputation with reporters. It’s difticult, almost impossible, to interview Danny. Not long ago, he did not give a single interview when his record was released “I find it difficult to express my feelings in words. Maybe it’s because I don’t know how to answer questions in a well-structured manner,” says Danny. “I believe that if a singer can still get a good response to his songs despite a lack of publicity, he must be a real good singer.” However, his avoidance of publicity has not done his reputation and image any good. When he was not seen for several months last year, there was talk that he was gay and had died of AIDS. The rumours shocked him “I can’t understand why people can say such things about me.” He accused the rumour-mongers of “shining the shoes” of an artiste when he is popular but having only bad things to say when the chips are down. Danny, a talented singer and songwriter with a string of prizes to his credit, has no worries about his material welfare. He comes from a rich family and never has to worry about his next meal However, the emptiness shows through in his words. “My private life is zero. What I’m waiting for now is a real lover, a person who loves me truly and gives me a feeling of warmth.” As a Buddhist Danny understands that love is in the hands of fate, and so he waits patiently. Meanwhile, the singer is working hard for his singing career “My professional goal is to appear at the Grammy awards ceremony not necessarily as a winner; I’ll be just as happy if I were one of the presenters,” he says.









    1987年6月號 Video Today



