2013.10.21 品尊 0 封面

2013.10.21 品尊 PRECIOUS

  • 38
    Danny Chan’s departed us, but his love remains.



    When talking about pre-mature deaths, we cannot help but think about such names as Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison of The Doors, the folk genius Nick Drake and Mark Linkous of Sparklehorse. In a sense, both their rises and downfalls were propelled by their -occasionally destructive-creativity.

    Let’s revisit Jim Morrison’s The End, for instance. Not only was it the end of a good sex, it was also an anarchic plea towards the patriarchy and Vietnam War. The end is also the end to everything; ultimately it was the use of drugs that put an end to this plaintive cry.

    The lesser known folk genius Nick Drake has even more in common with Danny Chan. Both are inward and low-key song-writers; both write melancholic blues – Nick Drake’s Way to Blue to Danny Chan’s Waiting. Backtrack to 25 November 1974, and we see how Nick Drake put an end to his life, overdosing after a life-long struggle with depression.


    要数中外歌坛早折的歌手·我们不难想起猫王( Elvis Presley.)、 The Doors主音 Jim Morrison民歌鬼才Nick Drake、 Sparklehorse主音 Mark Linkous等名字。某意义上,这几位音乐鬼才都有强烈的自毁倾向,而且他们的冒起和殒落皆是来自这股自毁的能量。

    请重温一下 Jim Morrison长达十分钟的《结束》( The End)吧,那不仅是描述一场性爱的结束,更是对父权、越战乃至一切建制的彻底控诉。 The end is also the end to everything,那无疑是控诉者向全世界发出的「哀的美敦书」一切关于不公义的控诉,最后都因滥药戛然而止。

    较少港人认识的美国民谣鬼才 Nick Drake,却可能是跟陈百强较有共通点的早折歌手。 Nick Drake和陈百强都是低调和内敛的声学创作人;两者的创作才华都没受到应有的重视;两人谱出的都是那种忧郁的蓝调民谣——从 Nick Drake的Way to Blue到陈百强的《等》,都展示了歌手的才华,以及纠结交缠的内心世界;时光倒流1974年11月25日,长年罹患抑郁症的 Nick Drake因服食过量静剂身亡,享年26岁。