1980 香港新浪潮电影「夜车」The Happenings(客串)

  • happen-poster


    导演: 严浩
    编剧: 舒琪
    主演: 张国强 / 袁丽嫦 / 严秋华 / 陈百强
    类型: 剧情
    制片国家/地区: 香港
    语言: 粤语
    上映日期: 1980-04-03
    片长: 94分钟
    又名: The Happenings

    1980 「夜车」 ≡^I^≡


    青年忌廉、阿B、阿细、金刚、阿英及小飞侠姐妹俩,带同「青春期」週刊编辑,往的士高找「舞王」罗伦斯 (陈百强饰) 接受访问。期间,忌廉感到乏味,独自走出的士高,后偷了一沙滩车在路上奔驰。忌廉驱车回来,着众人离开,往沙滩畅泳。途中往油站时,才发现各人身无分文,决打劫油站。过程中,金刚被击至重伤,忌廉则误杀一名职员。阿B在惊恐下逃去无踪,馀下五人遂展开逃亡。五人拟往麻将馆找大哥阿荣求助,但阿荣在接到电话后却逃去无踪,而金刚因失血过多而死。后阿B于街上碰见两名巡警,终为巡警所捕。警局中又遇上油站被击伤之职员,揭发了劫桉的真相。金刚死后,众人跑上杂志社求救,不料被警方包围。溷乱中,阿细被当场击毙;阿英则堕楼惨死;而忌廉则被枪伤及拘捕。

    They are the generation who work hard at living it up at the discos, in midnight car races and occasional fight. They are not happy with the world they live in but are determined to make the most of it. They go racing down the freeway in a stolen car. When stopping at the petroleum station, they find they don’t have money. On the spur of the moment, they decide to rob the station. After a fight, King Kong is badly hurt and Cream kills a staff by accident. Bee runs away from the group, badly shaken and frightened by this traumatic experience. He is then caught by the police while King Kong dies of lack of first aid. Then the nightmare comes. A quarrel rises among them; the police arrive at their hide-out; Kid is killed by shooting right between his eyes; Ying slips and falls to her death; Cream is wounded and captured by the police.
